Our experience and expertise deliver results
Energy Architects serves as your advocate with the utilities to reduce your costs of electricity and gas:
- We bring decades of experience from inside the utilities.
- We deliver complete knowledge of primary and secondary distribution systems.
- We provide experience from negotiations with dozens of utility companies across the country.
- We regularly conduct nationwide rate structure studies.
- We represent clients and groups of clients before public service commissions, and to date have been 100% successful..
The value we bring requires extensive experience that is rarely, if ever, found in even the best companies.
A simple, risk-free process with immediate benefits
- Substantial savings opportunities – Our energy experts have been able to save qualifying clients 20% to 40% on their electric bills.
- It’s easy – Just authorize us to act as your agent and we will work directly with the utility to negotiate the best rates possible.
- It’s quick – Very little of your time is required as we get copies of your past bills from your accounting department and other needed information directly from the utility company. We will develop innovative purchasing strategies with them and bring the savings back to you.
- Potential cash refunds – The savings we find may also apply to past billing periods, resulting in cash refunds.
- There is absolutely no upfront cost or risk to you – Our services are strictly performance-based. We are paid ONLY if we save you money and have secured and documented your savings. We are able to successfully create savings for our clients in about three cases out of four.
You cannot find a better opportunity to reduce energy costs with no out-of-pocket costs. Our fees come from a negotiated shared savings agreement with each of our clients. Our entire process is cash flow positive. You won’t find a higher ROI opportunity than this one.