Opportunities for electric savings in regulated markets
Most of our savings to date have come from regulated areas, which many of our clients thought was impossible.
Without utility deregulation, there is usually only one choice for energy service – the regulated utility that supplies energy to your service area. If this is the case, the local electric utility generates power, operates the distribution system that delivers the electricity to your location and maintains this electric service.
This does not mean, however, that you cannot negotiate better rates in a regulated market! Energy Architects has saved clients tens of millions of dollars in regulated electricity markets.
Deregulation of electric utilities is slowly spreading to all areas of the United States. As a result, this is an opportune time for Energy Architects to secure pre-deregulation discounts with regulated utilities for our clients. The utilities realize that deregulation means they will no longer be operating as monopolies and they should be doing everything possible now to maintain their future sales of electricity to their industrial client base.
Opportunities for electric savings in deregulated markets
Deregulation is providing an opportunity to create continually greater discounts for our clients across a variety of industries throughout the country by leveraging their cumulative energy usage.
A deregulated market provides a great opportunity to find the best combination of low price and high reliability in a competitive gas and electricity market. It also creates a very confusing atmosphere for energy users who are not prepared for the number of choices available, the important decisions that need to be made and the beneficial relationships that are critical to saving money in a deregulated market.
Opportunities for natural gas savings
Our expertise and experience in the deregulated utility marketplace provides our clients with an expansive knowledge base and assists them in making educated energy purchasing decisions.
Since natural gas has been deregulated throughout the country for a number of years, many companies are not taking full advantage of the opportunity to purchase their natural gas supply from the best cost supplier and pipeline.
Generally, larger users of natural gas are already aware of their option to purchase their natural gas supply from various 3rd party suppliers other than their local distribution company. However, Energy Architects may be able to bring other supplier purchasing options to the table to provide savings which could also include using other pipelines in the vicinity. Also when several large natural gas using plants are located in close proximity to one another, volume purchasing for the entire group can be another option, especially with high gas load factor plants running 24/7. In this case one supplier could provide all the natural gas needs with the local gas distributor allotting the proper amount of natural gas to each separate plant meter.
Some medium users of natural gas are still relying on their local natural gas distributor for their supply and delivery of natural gas. With these plants the option of using a 3rd party natural gas supplier can produce significant savings when they are using most of their natural gas for plant processes versus just needing the gas for space heating in the winter time. Here again natural gas suppliers prefer higher load factor uses of their natural gas in order to offer preferred pricing. Obviously, volume purchasing options for medium user “multiple plants” in the same general vicinity, as mentioned above, can bring the costs down as the volume of natural gas consumed goes up.